Evacuation Kits
Evacuation kits are recommended for your family and your pets. The purpose of an evacuation kit is to provide your family with essential survival items should you ever have to evacuate. Evacuation kits are relevant to all homes in Perth, as we are at risk of different dangers such as fire, flood or tsunami. Fire particularly, is one of our major risks and is relevant to every home in urban and rural areas. An evacuation kit should be kept in an area that is easily accessible and should be checked each year to ensure the items are working satisfactorily. The items need to be ready to go in an accessible place which all family members are aware of. It is important to have all of the necessary items and documents ready, in an emergency there is no time to search for things and doing so can compromise your safety. If you have pets then you will require a kit for you and a kit for your pets.
Contents of a basic evacuation kit, to make your own:
A water proof plastic box
- Multiple changes of clothes for all household members stored in watertight plastic bags (long pants, long sleeve shirts, hats and strong shoes are recommended)
- Extra essential medicines and repeat prescriptions
- Extra first aid supplies, sunscreen, insect repellent, toiletry and sanitary supplies
- Extra food and water
- Originals or certified copies of important documents (see Emergency Kit list for full details)
- Pillows, sleeping bags and blankets for each household member
- Books and games for children
- Extra baby formula, food and nappies (if required)
- Valuables, photos (prints, compact disks, USB data stick etc) and mementos in waterproof plastic bags
- Extra money as cash
- Mobile phone, spare battery and charger – all in a sealed plastic bag
Keep original or certified copies of all the following documents in your Emergency Kit and your Evacuation Kit.
- Insurance papers for house and contents Insurance papers for vehicles andvaluable items
- Inventory of valuable household goods
- Wills and life insurance documents
- House deeds and mortgage documents
- Birth and marriage certificates
- Passports and visa details
- Stocks and bonds
- Medicare and pension cards
- Immunisation records
- Bank account and credit card details
- Back-up copies of important computer files
- Copy of household Emergency Plan
- Emergency contact telephone number
For information on how to prepare pets in emergencies visit the ‘Preparing Pets’ section.